Reimagine rail freight strategy
How to develop innovative, powerful and robust (transport) services to reimagine rail freight

I am very excited to show my over five years of leadership experience that I gained in the past twelve months, leading the consulting project with one of the leading rail freight companies during my MBA at the University of Cambridge!
For my supervisory board-level project, I addressed how the supervisory board can advise their rail freight company on the innovative, powerful and robust (transport) services strategy to reimagine rail freight.
I analysed four challenges and the current momentum to reimagine rail freight, two strategic goals to use the momentum and derived six recommendations on how to implement the rail freight of the future:
Innovative business model: Growth and traffic shift through business transformation
1. Combined transport
- Creation of value through seamless end-to-end solutions
2. Single wagon traffic
- Customer success through modular transport services
3. Block train offer
- Fulfilment of changed customer needs
Powerful and robust operating model: performance and resources improvement through customer success and employee satisfaction
4. Offer Management
- Offering of seamless end-to-end solution, in combination with CRM and customer service
5. Further development production
- Fulfilment of increasingly demanding customer expectations
6. European corridors
- Meet customer needs through European-wide standardisation of modular services
My special thanks go to my rail freight company client and the interviewed CXOs!