Implement resilient cybersecurity
Keynote on cybersecurity and cybercrime

How you as CXO implement resilient cybersecurity to help build sustainable protection
The world has seen more attacks this year from non-organized and non-nation-state attackers who are only interested in bragging rights. This makes it clear that companies have a lot to consider when it comes to cyber security. Threats are evolving, attackers are constantly changing their tactics, techniques and procedures, and defenders must adapt and remain relentless if they want to keep up. But what does the IT security situation look like in detail this year?
In this keynote, I will introduce you to the current state of cybersecurity and cybercrime. You will learn that 66% of you were hit by ransomware in the last year. I will explain why you should treat cybersecurity as a business issue. I will provide you with three strategic levers for resilient cybersecurity. First, manage your attack surface. Second, protect business outcomes. Third, use protection-level agreements tied to business outcomes.
Learn how to implement the strategic levers for resilient cybersecurity
- You will understand the current state of cybersecurity and cybercrime and learn why you should treat cybersecurity as a business issue
- You will be taught three strategic levers for resilient cybersecurity
- First, manage your attack surface. Implement external attack surface management to orchestrate all your actions and investments across your software supply chain
- Second, protect business outcomes. Implement a business outcome approach to quantifying risk
- Third, use protection-level agreements tied to business outcomes. Protection-level agreements (PLA) makes the value of security explainable
Who should treat cybersecurity as a business issue
This keynote is dedicated to cybersecurity beginners and CXOs who are interested in the relevant basics of security, cybercrime and cyber protection.
If you are keen to hear more of my thought leadership on cybersecurity and cybercrime, book me as keynote speaker for one of your conferences.